
みなさん、ようこそ「にほんご できます!」へ。毎日 べんきょうや しごとなどで いそがしいですね。たいへんですね。
でも、いっしょに 日本語の べんきょうも あそびも がんばりましょう。


Will I get an 'otoshidama' ? ( お年玉もらえるかな?)

Duit Raya packet
angpow packet
As Malaysians, we are so used to receiving 'angpow' (red packets with money) or 'duit raya' during festivals such as Chinese New Year, Hari Raya and Deepavali. Even now, as a working adult, I still receive angpows from my parents and elder siblings and sometimes from relatives ! That's the advantage of being single....receive but not required to give. (HAHA !) That's the chinese culture..the belief is that the more you give away your fortune, the more you will receive in the new year. As for the Malays, some of my students told me that they stopped receiving duit raya as soon as they entered university or started working. Duit Raya is only meant for the little ones :D.  The same goes for Deepavali celebration. Well, the main purpose of giving out angpow or duit raya is actually to make the 'little ones' happy. My family's custom is just exceptional, I must admit.

otoshidama packet
Now, how about the Japanese custom, you might want to know. The Japanese give out otoshidama to their own children and little children of relatives and friends. Do find out more from this wonderful website I found. I am not sure what is the age limit in receiving otoshidama but I received my first otoshidama from my foster family when I was studying in Japan at the age of 25... :)  It was from my obaasan (grandmother). Otoosan and okaasan (dad and mum) did not give me one..I guess it must be that obaasan 'represented' the family to bestow the good fortune on me :D I won't tell you how much I received cos it would make you green with envy !! Besides the otoshidama, I received lots of foodstuff and my train fare fully paid by otoosan and okaasan ! They were such generous and nice people ! And they surely did make my 5 years stay in Japan a memorable one. Not only that, they showed me ( a foreign student ) what unconditional love is... accepting me into their family and taking care of me all those years. I watched their children grow up, enter university and got married. Otoosan finally gave up smoking (or else he wouldn't be allowed to go near his grandson !) and obaasan passed on... I promised to myself that I will pass on the kindness they showed me to others. Also, to share my culture and what little I know of others' that had made my life so rich and colorful.  :) Teaching is not only about finishing the syllabus and fabulous exam results, the biggest part is to educate young ones how to understand other's cultures while appreciating their own even more in the process.
Cheers ! Happy 2011 ! May the new year bring more joy, success and everything nice to each and everyone of you who read this ! :) So, do you think you will get an otoshidama this year ?


5S methodology

A new year is around the corner...yet I've gone back to not a very new methodology for the future use. Maybe most have heard of the 5S methodology in efficient working. It came from 5 japanese words starting with S.
Seiri (Sorting), Seiton (Setting in order), Seiso (Systematic cleaning/ Shining), Seiketsu (Standardizing) and Shitsuke ( Sustaining the self-discipline). Perhaps the last one is the hardest to keep. Gambarimasu !

For more details, have a look at this link. :) Cheers ! Siew2 Sensei goes 5S....



Task 1 of 2011 - new year card ( ねんがじょう)

1) Make a nengajou base on the notes I've put up in 'culture'.
2) Leave the name and address blank. 
3) Enjoy your task :)
4) Bring it with you on your first day to school.
5) We will post it to your 'secret' friend.
6) Wait for a reply from your 'secret' friend.

Let's make our own Nengajou 年賀状 2023

Samples of Nengajou done by SAS students of 2009...
as you can guess, 2009 was the year of the ox.
It's the time of the year ! Time to take out your pen and brush to make new year cards (nengajou) for your friends. It is the Japanese custom to send new year cards to friends and relatives on the 1st of January (oshougatsu). Nowadays, you can send digital nengajou through emails or buy readily printed ones from the shops or post offices. But it is still best when you put an effort and your own creativity into it.  When you are making your own nengajou, here are some points that you would like to bear in mind.

1)  Size
The size of the card is the same as any common postcard.  Use one side to draw/ write your greetings and messages. Keep the other side to write the address.

 2) Greetings
     Common greetings are :
  • あけまして おめでとう ございます。きょねんは たいへん おせわになりまして、ありがとう ございました。今年も どうぞ よろしく おねがいします。
  • しんねん おめでとう ございます。きょねんは たいへん おせわに なりました。ほんとうに ありがとう ございました。今年も よろしく おねがいします。
 3) Messages
This is where you write some messages or updates on what you (and your family) have been doing throughout 2022 and your expectations for 2023.

 4) Decoration
2023 is the year of the rabbit. Thus, you can decorate your card with cute pictures of rabbits. Of course, you may use flowers or abstracts, etc but it will not be appropriate to use the pictures of the tiger (2022) or dog, etc. 

 5) Address
Do make sure you have written the address correctly and do not forget to write your address too. Your friend would most probably like to send you a card too.
Timing is very important! You must make sure your nengajou does not reach your friend before the 1st of January ( as it is not new year yet ) or later than 10th of January (it will seem 'insincere'). If you are in Japan, the problem of sending nengajou too early is not a problem as the post office will keep your nengajou until the 1st of January.

Follow this link if you want to find out more ideas on how to write a proper nengajou. :)
Good luck and let your creativity flows ! Send me one too !

Nengajou received from our friends in Thailand
2010 nengajou done by SAS students


After the Homestay..

Many of you have just came back from Japan :) Okaerinasai ! Did you have a good time ? Some joined homestay programs and this prompted me to write something about it.
Congrats, you have a Japanese family now. So, what do you do after the homestay program ended ? Do you just bid farewell and go your own ways, never to be heard again ? What is the most important thing that you must remember after attending a homestay program ?
Well, it is the appreciation you show to your host families after that. A simple thank you card or letter will mean a lot to them. First of all, let them know that you have arrived home safely. Then, tell them how happy you are to have met them and lastly thank them for taking care of you. It is simple, isn't it ? A small, simple courtesy goes a long way. I hope all of you will continue the goodwill and keep in touch with your new found Japanese families.

FAQ   1    : I do not know their address..
ANSWER: Find out from the coordinator of the program. I am sure with the advance technology now, you can find out. All it takes is the 'will' to do it. And if there's a will, there's always a way !
FAQ   2   :  I am not good in writing. Can I just give them a call ?
ANSWER: Yes, why not. But don't just end it with a phone call. Christmas and New Year is near..do send them a card too :)        


JLPT 2010 : N5/N4 compared to L4/L3

Less than one week to prepare for the exam ! All the very best to everyone ! As I see it, N5 is a little bit easier than the old L4 and N4 has a mixture of some L4 and L3 grammar structures. The changes in format are also minimal. Paper 2 (Grammar-Reading) has the new 'word-arranging' item to find out what the 'star' slot is. I find that fun ! I am sure less people will be falling asleep this year, during the exam. :)
I also find  the Q&A section in Paper 3 - Listening, refreshing and quite interesting. This can really test if you are familiar with the usage of common expressions and phrases.
では、みなさん、さいごまで がんばってください。


Another choice for you

This self-learning website might be good for you too :)

Learn japanese online during the holidays :)

Hello everyone, happy holidays ! Here are some websites that you can use to upgrade your Nihongo during the holidays ! Have a look !
Check this site for learning nihongo online :) and also here for JLPT example questions.


しけん (試験) Exam

4年生の とういつ(統一) しけん(試験)は あと わずかの 一ヶ月ぐらいですね。今年の 4年生の 生とは どうかしら? まだ まだ べんきょう(勉強)してないですね。。 先生は とても しんぱい(心配)していますよ。このあいだ(間)の もぎしけん(模擬試験)の せいせき(成績)が 悪かったですが、 みんな これから なにか しているのですか? もっと がんばってくださいね。 4年間 日本語の 勉強を してきましたね。 だから、 さいご(最後)まで ファイトしましょうよ!アズリンさん、 イディンさん、 アジムさん。。。。あきらめないでね! :)いっしょに 勉強して、 いちばん いい 成績を めざしましょう!先生は おうえん(応援)していますよ。

The F4 Examination is just about 1 month away. How are this year's F4 students doing ? They don't seem to be studying ... I am actually quite worried. The result of the Trial exam wasn't good. So, are you doing anything about that now ? You have studied for four years..that's why I think you should 'fight' till the end ! Asrin, Iddin, Azim (to name a few)...don't give up ! Lets study together and aim for the best ! We the teachers will be here to support and guide you. :)

Trial 4 : Paper I

One more try and you should be ready ! Click on here. Let me know your result. :)

Trial 3 : Paper I

One more time ! Try out this paper now. Have you managed to score a perfect 25% ?

Trial(2) Paper I

Lets try out Paper 1. How did you fare ?

Trial Paper I

Try out this exercice and find put how ready you are. Check the answer with your friends.



アスラン:かぞくの アルバムですか。
アスラン:ラマサミさんの かぞくは なん人ですか。
ラマサミ:七人です。父と 母と あにが 3人と いもうとと わたしです。
アスラン:そうですか。わたしの きょうだいは 四人です。あねと、あにと、おとうとと わたしです。ラマサミさんの お父さんは せんせいですね。お母さんは。
ラマサミ:母も せんせいですよ。アスランさんの おとうさんは かがくしゃですか。
アスラン:いいえ、ちがいますよ。父は エンジニアで、母は しゅふです。

READING 1:はじめまして

1) みなさん、こんにちは。はじめまして。わたしは ムハマド・ライミです。ジョホールから きました。わたしは 十三さいです。セコラー・スルタン・アラム・シャーの 一ねんせいです。どうぞ よろしく。こちらは わたしの ともだちの スーサンさんです。

2) こんにちは。はじめまして。わたしは リム・スー・サンです。わたしは マレーシアじんではありません。シンガポールじんです。わたしも 十三さいです。パイニャちゅうがっこうの 一ねんせいです。どうぞ よろしく。


Minasan, Happy Holidays ! Now that you are free at home with full internet access, have you ever wondered how you could continue learning nihongo at home or learn on your own at your own pace ? There are 3 sites that I would like to introduce to you for that. These are very interactive, interesting sites I am sure you would enjoy learning nihongo even more after this. :) There are english translation too if you are worried about the websites being fully in Japanese. Just choose the English version at the top right hand corner.
1) Learn japanese through anime and manga. Has lots of games too. Suitable for manga/anime fans :)

2) Games and tools for you to remember hiragana/katakana. Also for memorising kanji in fun ways.
3) Form 5 students might remember Erin. We did up to chapter 8 in class but you can enjoy the whole series here. With additional games and fun ways to learn nihongo.


Minasan, enjoy learning Nihongo !!! :) Give me some feedback once you have had a look at the sites. :)

JLPT Lesson 5: ~かどうか~ n ~か~ないか~ vs ~か~ 

There are many ways to state uncertainties, one of it is using ~かどうか~(whether V or not )  or  ~か~ないか~( V or not V ) and by using ~か~  ( don't know when/how/why/what/where V )

The difference in the sentence patterns is that when you have a question word ( why/how/who/when/what), you only need to use ~か~. Other than that, you use plain form of verbs + かどうか~ or  (Vplain form positive)か (Vnai form) か~

Check these out :

1) ゆうべ 何時に うちに ついた おぼえていません。
I don't remember what time I reached home.

2) あした いっしょに バスで 行く人が 何人 分かりません。
I don't know how many people will be going together by bus tomorrow.

3) タンさんが なぜ 学校を 休んだ 分かりません。
I don't know why Tan is absent from school.


4) キムさん が パーティーへ 行くかどうか 分かりません。
    キムさん が パーティーへ 行く 行かない 分かりません。

I don't know whether Kim will be going to the party or not.

5) 来週 日本語の テストが あるかどうか 分かりますか。
来週 日本語の テストが あるか ないか 分かりますか。
Do you know whether there is a Japanese language test next week ?

6) アリさんは 先生に 手がみを 書くかどうか まだ 言っていません。
アリさんは 先生に 手がみを 書く 書かない まだ 言っていません。

Ali didn't say whether to write a letter to teacher or not.

7) ハニフさんに 校長先生の 電話ばんごうを しっているかどうか きいてください。
ハニフさんに 校長先生の 電話ばんごうを しっているしらないか)きいてください。

Please ask Hanif whether he knows the principal's phone number or not.


Try saying these sentences in Nihongo..

1) I don't know who will be giving a speech today.

2) Mr Perumal knows whether the bus will be going to Ipoh or not.

3) Please tell me whether this book is too expensive or not.

4) Nobody knows how much Mr Roslan's present cost.

5) Do you know when the sports day is ?


JLPT Lesson 4: V (N) phrase

We use verbs in plain form to explain the noun mentioned right after the verb.
1) あれは 大学へ 行くバスです。(What bus is that? That is the bus that goes to the university )

2) これは トムさんから もらったねんがじょうです。(what new year card is this ? This is the new year card that I received from Tom)

3) 先生が 作ったケーキは あまり おいしくなかったです。(what is not very delicious ? The cake that sensei made... )

Always use plain form of verbs. Can be in any tenses.

Try these : Rearrange the words to form proper sentences.

1) Please give me the book I borrowed from the library on Thursday.

(もくようび を かりた ほん に としょかん ください から)
2) We want to talk about the movie we watched yesterday

(みた は きのう について わたしたち えいが はなしたいです)
3) The boy who is talking to Sensei is not my cousin.

 (いとこ は せんせい の ではない と あの はなしている わたし おとこのこ)

4) Those (people)who are going home on Friday, please give their outing-card to Utz Nordin by Wednesday.

 (try... ’_’)

JLPT Lesson 3: 「~たり。~たりします」vs「 ~て、~て、~ます」

We have learnt the sentence pattern 「 ~て、~て、~ます」 which shows the sequence of a few actions we do/did.

eg: やさいを きれいに あらって、サラダを つくります。

  あさ5時に おきて、おいのりを します。

~たり。~たりします」is used when we pick up certain actions that we do/did as examples. These actions do not have to be mentioned in chronological order .

A: 休みにいつも何をしますか。

B: 本をよんだり、おんがくをきいたりします。ときどき町へかいものに行きます。
In actual, B does all these:



Use "ta" form but add "ri" at the end. Do you remember how to change verbs to "ta" form ? The formula is exacly the same as for "te" form.

会います ー 会った       書きます - 書いた

立ちます - 立った       ぬぎます - ぬいだ

きります - きった        話します ー 話した

読みます - 読んだ       食べます ー 食べた

しにます - しんだ    します  - した   来ます - 来た 


Tell me in 3 or 4 sentences. あなたは ハリラヤに いつも 何をしますか。

JLPT Lesson 2 : ~ながら、~します

~ながら、~します shows 2 actions that are being done simultaneously. Emphasis is placed on what is said after ~ながら

1)わたしは いつも ごはんを たべながら、テレビを みます。

I always eat rice while watching TV.

2)アニさんは ラジオを ききながら、うんてんを します。

Ani listens to the radio while driving.

3)あの人は アルバイトをしながら、日本語学校を かよっています。

That man does part-time job while attending Japanese language school.

Formula ?

Just omit ます and add ながら for all verbs. It's that simple. :)


Try making some simple sentences using this sentence structure. The theme this time is : Daily routine


JLPT Lesson 1: ~なければなりません

Let's start with JLPT Lesson 1: Do you remember the usage of the sentence structure ~なければなりません?

eg : あした 学校へ 行かなければなりません。 (Must go to school tomorrow)

  もう おそいです。ねなければなりません。 (it's late. Must sleep.)

  しゅくだいを しなければなりません。 (Must do homework)
I am sure you have guessed what the sentence structure is used for by now. Yes, it is used when we want to say "must ~". The 'formula' for changing the verbs is the same as what we use for 'nai' form.

Group 1 : change 'i' sound to 'a' sound + nakerebanarimasen

Group 2 : minus 'masu' + nakerebanarimasen 

Group 3 : shimasu - shinakerebanarimasen kimasu - konakerebanarimasen

OK, let's see if you can understand what the sentences below mean. Send your answer to me by posting them on my wall.

Quiz 1:

1) かぜを ひきました。くすりを のまなければなりません。

2)アリさんは まいにち 五回 おいのりを しなければなりません。

3)日本人の うちに 入ります。くつを ぬがなければなりません。 

4)ここに 名前(なまえ)を 書(か)かなければなりません。

5)町(まち)へ 出(で)かける人は 6時半までに りょうに 帰(かえ)らなければなりません。
