
みなさん、ようこそ「にほんご できます!」へ。毎日 べんきょうや しごとなどで いそがしいですね。たいへんですね。
でも、いっしょに 日本語の べんきょうも あそびも がんばりましょう。


JLPT 2010 : N5/N4 compared to L4/L3

Less than one week to prepare for the exam ! All the very best to everyone ! As I see it, N5 is a little bit easier than the old L4 and N4 has a mixture of some L4 and L3 grammar structures. The changes in format are also minimal. Paper 2 (Grammar-Reading) has the new 'word-arranging' item to find out what the 'star' slot is. I find that fun ! I am sure less people will be falling asleep this year, during the exam. :)
I also find  the Q&A section in Paper 3 - Listening, refreshing and quite interesting. This can really test if you are familiar with the usage of common expressions and phrases.
では、みなさん、さいごまで がんばってください。


Another choice for you

This self-learning website might be good for you too :)

Learn japanese online during the holidays :)

Hello everyone, happy holidays ! Here are some websites that you can use to upgrade your Nihongo during the holidays ! Have a look !
Check this site for learning nihongo online :) and also here for JLPT example questions.