
みなさん、ようこそ「にほんご できます!」へ。毎日 べんきょうや しごとなどで いそがしいですね。たいへんですね。
でも、いっしょに 日本語の べんきょうも あそびも がんばりましょう。


Latihan 2_Trial Penulisan 2

4年生のみなさん、もうすぐ日本語共通試験(Peperiksaan Selaras Bahasa Jepun)ですね。復習(ふくしゅう)をしていますか。がんばって、勉強してくださいね。Try out the exercise for Paper 2 here.


Midyear Exam F2

Try out the exam paper sat by the Form 2 students of SAS in May 2011. Give your comments. Was it too easy or too difficult for you ? Click here for the paper. :)


Midyear Exam F4

This is the exam paper sat by the Form 4 students of SAS in May 2011. Give it a try by clicking on this link. Midyear Exam F4 2011 



Happy Holiday Shukudai :)

This is meant for my japanese students of SAS.
The mid year holidays is finally here but students are not really free to run wild and forget about school (n their teachers..) for these two wonderful short weeks. So, here's something to keep you from 'boredom' at home. I promised the tasks should be fun and easy. I hope you enjoy doing it. :) Happy Holidays, my dear students. :)

Form 1 : You have a new pen friend from Japan, Akiko. Write to her to tell her all about yourself and your family. Write the letter on an A4 paper. You may add additional drawings if you want.

Form 2 : You will be welcoming the students of Japanese School Kuala Lumpur to our school in July. Design an invitation card to be sent to them in June. (You may want to refer to page 64 of Nihongo Daisuki for ideas). Size of the card depends on your own creativity. (Leave out the name of the student from JSKL as we have yet to receive the name list.). I am sure they will be looking forward to your nice cards !

Form 3 : No shukudai for you .... get ready for PMR !

Form 4 : Time to get ready for our annual program with JSKL. Find out how to introduce the 'Zapin', 'Menganyam Ketupat', 'Galah Panjang' and 'Batik Printing' in Japanese language. Each student must produce a handout (A4) or powerpoint presentation regarding one of the topics as assigned below.
4BC students - 'Zapin'
4DW students- 'Menganyam ketupat'
4MU students - 'Galah Panjang' and
4J students - 'Batik Printing'.
Make the most simple, concise and easy to understand handouts for our friends!

Enjoy your tasks ! I am looking forward to receiving your master pieces... yoi yasumi wo~~


いっしょに おどりませんか

A sentence ending with 「~ませんか」is used for inviting someone to join you in something.
For example,
1) いっしょに ひるごはんを たべませんか
    Would you like to have lunch together ?

2) いっしょに えいがを みませんか
     Shall we see a movie together ?

3) いっしょに しゃしんを とりませんか
    Shall we take a photograph together ?

Maybe you will be wondering why the Japanese invite people by using the negative form of the verb.
Well, I guess it is because the invitation won't sound so crude or forceful and it gives the other person a chance to say 'no'...
This is part of the Japanese culture that I find very beautiful. They take great care of others' feelings through their speech and actions. Always be courteous towards others. :)  Think before you speak because you can't erase what is spoken like the words you wrote on the white board or paper.

Now, what shall the answer be if you were invited by your friend ? There will be two choices..either 'YES' or "NO", right ?

To accept:
If you would like to join him/her, just say ' いいですね’ or use the sentence structure ending with 「~ましょう」which means 'Let's..'

1) いっしょに ひるごはんを たべませんか
    いいですね or はい、たべましょう

2) いっしょに えいがを みませんか
    いいですね or はい、みましょう

3) いっしょに しゃしんを とりませんか
    いいですね or はい、とりましょう

To Reject:
Remember the courteous Japanese ? In the art of rejecting, we must first of all remember to say 'sorry'. Then, give the reason or just say 「ちょっと。。。」

 1) いっしょに ひるごはんを たべませんか
    すみません、いま ちょっと いそがしいです。あとで たべます。
   (sorry, I am busy now. I will eat later.)

2) いっしょに えいがを みませんか
3) いっしょに しゃしんを とりませんか

「ちょっと」is a very 'convenient' word ! It has no 100% exact translation in English and it means 'quite','just', 'a little'..etc.. 

If we 'reject' an invitation with the word 'chotto' , we do not wish to tell the person who invited us the exact reason why we are rejecting or not accepting the invitation so as not to hurt his/her feelings. Vice versa, if someone uses the word 'chotto' with you, please do not press on further to ask for further explanation..... My advice to you is " take the hint and move on...!! ".  
Cheers ! 



'~んです' is used when you are explaining something or asking for an explanation. In the Japanese language we have 2 types of talking mode. One is to make a statement and the other is to explain. For example:

1) あした しけんが あります。I have an exam tomorrow. --- statement
2) あした しけんが あるんです。I have an exam tomorow (that explains why I can't go out today) --- explanation

The same goes when you want to ask for or invite explanation.

eg; 1)  A:  どうしたんですか。 What happened ? (you looked shattered)
              B: ねこが 死んだんです。My cat died. (that should explain how I look today)

        2) A: ここで なにを しているんですか。What are you doing here ?
            B: あなたを まっているんです。 I am waiting for you. ( isn't it obvious ?)

It is also used for asking clarifications from the person you are talking to.

eg.  3)  A: きのう こなかったんですか。Didn't you come yesterday ?
                  B: ええ、びょういんに いったんです。I went to the hospital. (that's why I didn't come)

            4) A: さむいんですか。Are you feeling cold ? ( you are shivering)
                B: はい、ちょっと さむいんです。 Yes, it is quite cold

            5) すみません、ゆうびんきょくへ いきたいんですが、。。
             Excuse me, I would like to go to the post office..(so, could you please direct me there)

 * for Noun and 'na' adjectives, we use  '~なんです’ instead of ’~んです’

       6) A: あの人は がくせいなんですか。 Is that person a student ? (he surely doesn't look like one...)
            B: いいえ、せんせいなんです。 No, a teacher. (of course he is not a student )

        7) A:   また りょこうに いったんですか。You went for a trip again ? (unbelievable..)
            B: ひまなんです。 I am free. (well, I have nothing to do....)

In writing form, it is common to see’~のです’ instead of  ’~んです’.

Try using ’~んです’ today !  :)